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Turnkey Construction Solutions by Michigan’s Premier Commercial Builder

Michigan’s Industry Leading Commercial Construction Company

At Schonsheck, 公司., 我们对提供卓越服务的承诺不仅仅是成功完成项目. With a team of accomplished 架构师, 工程师, project managers, and field superintendents, we offer an authentic team experience to our clients. 我们独特的方法侧重于主动解决项目的各个方面, avoiding potential issues with the expertise that only Schonsheck, 公司. 可以交付. 这种对卓越,创新和客户满意度的奉献确保了Schonsheck, 公司. is the construction partner of choice both now and in the future.

Schonsheck, 公司. stands apart as an employee-owned company, 每个团队成员对他们的工作质量和企业的成功都有既得利益. 我们的理念强调在项目完成后建立和维护客户关系. With a focus on sustainable construction, safety-first operations, and unmatched client support, Schonsheck, 公司. 始终如一地提供卓越的体验,继续吸引客户在密歇根州的后续商业建设需求.

Our History

Founded in 1985 by Ian Schonsheck, Schonsheck, 公司. 以卓越的品质为目标,开始了在建筑行业的卓越之旅, 价值, and service in an arena where numerous others operated. Over the years, Schonsheck, 公司. has blossomed into one of Southeast Michigan’s leading construction companies. 1998年,Schonsheck, 公司 .的所有权发生了重大变化. to the employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). Consequently, 内部晋升形成了一个强大的管理团队,现在负责监督公司的日常运营. Today, Schonsheck, 公司. is a profitable company with a promising future. By consistently adhering to its founding principles, Schonsheck, 公司. has garnered a reputation rich in honesty, 完整性, and commitment to exceptional quality and service.

Our Philosophy

At the heart of Schonsheck, 公司.公司的成功在于其追求卓越的核心理念, 创新, and client satisfaction. Striving to exceed expectations in every project, Schonsheck的团队专注于提供最好的体验和成品,并不断关注细节. Rooted in the belief that shortcuts never lead to success, 我们合作评估最高效和最有效的策略,专门针对每个客户的需求. With this philosophy ingrained in our approach, Schonsheck, 公司. is committed to building lasting relationships, continually earning our client’s trust, 并确保他们被选为现在和将来的首选建筑合作伙伴.

Our Leadership

Kent Burzynski

President, CEO & 主席
Kent Burzynski
President, CEO & 主席

Kent Burzynski是Schonsheck, 公司 .的总裁、首席执行官兼董事会主席. (SI). Kent has spent over twenty (25) years working to design, 多年来,他和SI建立了许多成功的关系. When Kent is not directing the day-to-day operation of the company, 他喜欢做一个狂热的户外运动者,喜欢与妻子和女儿共度时光. 肯特的建筑生涯从他的父亲开始,他的父亲是一名有执照的住宅建筑商, 肯特后来在东密歇根大学获得了建筑管理学士学位. Kent is on the City of Wixom Construction Board of Appeals, 是LEED认证的专业人士,并持有其他几个建筑和安全相关的认证.

Ronald Kuznicki

Vice President
Ronald Kuznicki
Vice President

Ronald Kuznicki is Vice President at Schonsheck, 公司. with responsibilities of estimating, 技术, ESOP management, and building and maintaining relationships with new and existing customers. Ronald joined Schonsheck, 公司. in 2006.

他十几岁的时候就开始在建筑行业工作,当时他的父亲是一名工人和木匠. 他在商业建筑领域的第一份工作是主管,通过40多年的建筑经验,他逐渐晋升为估价师和项目经理. 罗纳德对团队合作充满热情,从扫地到与当地市政当局和业主最终批准,以确保按时和在预算范围内成功完成项目.


Outside of work Ronald enjoys time with his family whether it’s camping, building props for shows, or fixing equipment and musical instruments. He also plays in a local community concert band.

David Haskins

VP of Construction & Board Member
David Haskins
VP of Construction & Board Member

David Haskins是Schonsheck, 公司 .的建筑副总裁兼董事会成员. David joined Schonsheck, 公司, in 2018, as Senior Project Manager. David在计划和规格以及设计建造方面拥有超过33年的商业建筑经验,并在项目管理和估算方面拥有丰富的经验.

David’s role is managing the Schonsheck, 公司. Project Managers and Superintendents as well as working closely with clients, subcontractors, 架构师, and consultants. David的主要工作重点是与施工团队合作,建立和维护持久的关系.

David started working with his father, a self-employed residential earthwork contractor, at an early age. David毕业于劳伦斯科技大学,获得建筑工程学位.

In his free time, David enjoys spending time with his wife and daughters, 旅行, playing golf, and reading.


General Superintendent
General Superintendent

亚当·弗莱克(亚当斑点)的职业生涯始于一家住宅承包公司的木匠. 亚当在一家工程公司担任测量师,从事各种商业建筑项目,继续他的建筑经验.

Adam拥有东密歇根大学的建筑管理学士学位,继续他的建筑经验. He joined Schonsheck, 公司. as an Assistant Superintendent in April 1998. 这段经历为亚当提供了管理施工项目的实践知识. Adam的高标准和卓越的激励能力为他赢得了总主管的过渡角色. Adam currently has provided 24 years of service for Schonsheck, 公司.


Adam has over 31 years of experience in the construction industry. 作为总负责人,Adam负责管理项目从开工到竣工的全过程. Adams’ ability to work with owners, 开发人员, design professionals, code officials, 分包商给了他必要的特质,使他能够及时、按预算完成项目. 亚当斯的沟通技巧和应对日常挑战的能力使他成为施工团队中有价值的一员.

Adam has worked with retail, vehicle dealerships, 学校, 状态, and municipality projects, industrial development, warehouse/distribution, and medical projects in both design-build and plan and spec scenarios.

Adam是砌体协会的认证泥瓦匠,急救/心肺复苏术/AED认证,医学硕士认证.U.S.T. Safety, and Certified in OSHA 30-Hour Safety.


Adam is a Christian in Faith, a dedicated husband, and a father. Adams’ hobbies include golf and 旅行. 亚当是一个运动和娱乐爱好者,以及我所有的孩子们的活动.

Experience the Best in Commercial Construction with Michigan's Top Builder

At Schonsheck, 公司., 我们相信创造完美的结构,以反映您的品牌愿景和满足您的运营需求. From planning to completion, our dedicated team of skilled 架构师, 工程师, and project managers are committed to delivering exceptional results. Contact our team today and let us craft a durable, 功能, 和美观的商业空间设计,以推动您的业务成功.

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